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Trent Park Running Club Figure

Met League Cross Country

Race 5 – Trent Park – 8/02/2025

Metropolitan League 2024 Season




Race 5




Trent Park, Cockfosters








Course Location


Along the carriageway running east/west through the park. The entrance is via the Cockfosters Road Gate.



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Race HQ


The Race HQ and Registration will be adjacent to the Start/Finish close to the duck pond along the carriageway.




Changing Facilities


There are no dedicated changing rooms, so please arrive ready to run.


The area around Go Ape is out of bounds. Under no circumstances should this area be used for changing and/or as a toilet please use the facilities provided. Anyone ignoring this request will risk damaging our ability to hold future events at this venue.




Toilets are available in the amenity block in the car park and Park Caf .





Refreshments will be available from the caf by the car park or the Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service Centre (a local charity) at the end top field.




Additional Notes

A Club/Team Assembly Area has been identified in the field adjacent to start/finish area. If you choose to set up adjacent to the course/exit road, rather than using this field, please ensure that you keep well clear of the course.










Where possible, please use public transport, walk or cycle. If travelling by car, please car share to reduce the impact and check for restrictions that may be in effect in the area (Ultra Low Emission Zone for example). Please also park with consideration of others, especially if using on-street parking.


The league and/or host club(s) do not warrant the accuracy of the information provided so take no responsibility for any fines or charges that may be levied.



Public Transport


Cockfosters Underground Station on the Piccadilly line is approximately 800m from the start/finish area. The Piccadilly Line has been subject to upgrade works, but none are currently planned for the day of the race. The station is also served by 3/4 bus routes, with the 298 passing right past the Park Gates.



When exiting the station, head north on Cockfosters Road. The entrance to the park is approximately 300m along the road.


Use of public transport is strongly recommended due to the proximity of the underground station and limited car parking at Trent Park



Cycle storage


There are some cycle racks by the toilet facilities.






The park entrance does not have a specific postcode, but for SatNav purposes, the postcode almost directly opposite the park entrance is EN4 0JZ.





Parking is available within Trent Park but is likely to be very limited. Given its proximity to Cockfosters underground station, use of public transport is strongly recommended. If you intend to drive, please car-share as much as possible.


The main car parking facility is at the Cockfosters Road entrance to Trent Park.


PLEASE NOTE: The private car park close to the Southgate Hockey Centre at the top of Snakes Lane is NOT available. Please do not attempt to park there you WILL be turned back.


Cars must not be parked on any of the roads within Trent Park.


Trent Park closes at sunset, which will be at approximately 17:00. The gate at the Cockfosters Road entrance is usually closed at this time, but drivers must take care to check the closing time which will be shown on the sign inside the main entrance.


UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD DRIVERS PARK ON THE SURROUNDING ROADS. Anyone parking in local roads will risk damaging our ability to hold future events at this venue.






Course details




Undulating course on open, rough, lumpy park land. Liable to be soft underfoot in places. Some exposed tree roots in places, and several small wooden bridges that could be slippery.


Senior races only include a woodland path with a small stream crossing.


The course is suitable for spikes or trail shoes.


The course is likely to be very muddy and slippery in some places, so it is not suitable for ordinary trainers.



U11 course

The U11 course is the same as last year.

It is one and a 3/4 laps of the top field for a total of approximately 2000m.

U13 course

The U13 course is similar to last year.

There is one lap, involving a lap of the top field and one lap of the fields on the Oakwood side of the park the total distance being 2,750m.

U15/U17 course

The U15/U17 course is similar to last year.

There are 1 and a laps of the top field followed by one lap of the fields on the Oakwood side of the park.

The total distance is approximately 4,000m.


Senior course

The Senior course is the similar to last year. The start involves one and a laps of the top field and two full laps of the fields on the Oakwood side of the course.

The total distance is approximately 7,000m.



Additional Notes

 The course maps are included with this notice. They will also be posted on notice boards on the day. The course is likely to be very slippery, so you are strongly advised to wear suitable footwear.


Competitors and parents of competitors are reminded not to encroach on the course and to be mindful of runners on the course.








The timetable is approximate and subject to change without notice where necessary. Please plan to arrive early and listen for any announcements. 


Please note

For the 2024 season, the timings have changed, and all races now start earlier. In addition, it should no longer be necessary for a start to be delayed to allow for finishers in the previous race.



Start Time


Distance (approximate)


Under 11 Boys



Under 11 Girls



Under 13 Boys



Under 13 Girls



Under 17 Men/Under 15 Boys



Under 17 Women/Under 15 Girls



Senior Women/Veteran Women



Senior Men/Veteran Men



Additional Notes

All clubs should arrive before the start of the meeting (12:00) in order for numbers to be distributed to each club.


To be eligible to score, competitors must compete in the correct race for their age group.

Competitors in the Under 13 race must be 11 or over on the day of competition

Safety: Runners are not allowed to wear iPods/Walkman or similar when competing.


Please join us after the last race for the end-of-season presentations, to be held by the start and finish area (weather permitting).



COVID Guidelines

Although official restrictions have been lifted, there are still some people still suffering from the virus.


Please DO NOT TRAVEL to this event if you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 as defined by the NHS or if you have had a positive test. COMPETITORS try to remain social distanced at all times whilst at the event, in particular when in the toilets or when queuing at the kiosk or cafe.  Also, try to keep your distance, as far as possible, at the start and finish. SPECTAORS are encouraged to keep their distance from the competitors, especially when calling out encouragement. All try to AVOID PHYSICAL CONTACT with runners, race officials, volunteers and spectators including high fives and hugs etc.

When using the toilets remember to WASH YOUR HANDS thoroughly.

You are also reminded to catch COUGHS AND SNEEZES and to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands.

It is not practical to provide sanitising stations around the park, so DO NOT UNECESSARILY TOUCH OUTDOOR SURFACES, and perhaps bring some sanitiser to use after touching anything.

If you experience COVID-19 symptoms soon after the race, then please follow NHS guidance regarding testing and self-isolation, also please inform the Race Organiser.



UKA Anti-Doping Rules

All entrants shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with, and agreed to be bound by, the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.


The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the date of entry into the Metropolitan Cross Country League 2024/25, whether or not the entrant is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK.



Contact Details



Host club

London Heathside

Contact Name

Jerry Odlin

Contact details

Mobile: 07768 860417

Email: jerryodlin@mac.com

Welfare Officer

Ruth Miller

Contact details

Mobile: 07709 622140


Location Map

Course Maps

Start Area

U11 Course Map

U13 Course Map

Junior (U15/U17) Course Map

Senior Course Map